The Global Covenant of Mayors uses maps that are consistent with the latest United Nations-recognized boundaries and delineations. The maps do not express opinions of GCoM on the legal status of any country, territory, city, or area, nor its authorities or boundaries.
City Name
Selected Region
Sub Saharan Africa
Total Population
Cities Committed

Sub Saharan Africa


Africa Climate Week: 26-29 July 2021, hosted by the Government of Uganda

The Africa Climate Week (ACW) 2021 is accelerating collaboration and integrating climate action into global pandemic recovery. Building back opens an opportunity to address social inequalities and invest in economic development that is good for humanity and nature. The ACW 2021 Virtual Thematic Sessions take the pulse of climate action in the region, explore climate … read more

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A game-changer tool to fast-track climate action in African cities

Via CoM-SSA The Proxy Data Tool allows local governments to develop a Greenhouse Gas inventory in just a few hours and without the extensive data collection exercise, capacity and resources usually required. It will help bridge the data gap evident across Sub-Saharan Africa. During the early stages of the Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action … read more

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Africa’s future is the world’s, with 25% of the global population expected to be African by 2050. Sub-Saharan Africa is already experiencing widespread losses and damages related to climate change. Africa is ready to contribute to global decarbonization efforts and already has many of the solutions. But for us to ensure that our African cities can combat the devastating impacts of climate change, radical collaboration is needed – collaboration across scales and sectors, undertaken in a spirit of innovation and inclusivity, with a solution-oriented mindset and transparency.
Yawo Winny Dogbatse
Mayor of Kloto I, Togo

Mayor Logio Kossi Amétowoyona, Tsévié, Togo

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