innovate  4 CITIES initiative

& Innovation

Governments, the private sector, academia and cities are innovating faster than ever. Yet too often this research is not tied to the needs of cities, because there is a lack of adequate communication and coordination. Innovate4Cities is about connecting these communities so city needs are met by the major investments being made every day in research and innovation.

Innovate4Cities was co-developed by cities, city networks, scientists and research institutions, and leading private sector entities to advance research and innovation efforts that will mobilise the science, data, and technology that cities need to meet their climate ambition.

Developing new and exciting ways to meet this challenge head on requires a well-coordinated global effort, and cities are often right at the cutting edge. Municipalities are struggling with the extraordinarily complex interactions of climate and environmental change, which in turn can impact variables like local economies and public health. At the same time, they are best placed to understand the impact of innovation on the ground and steer future agendas.

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Innovation is needed to develop the technologies and policies which will allow cities to mitigate, and adapt to, climate change. It is also needed to help scale technologies for rapid global deployment. Finally, innovation is needed to develop solutions for cities of every size.

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For many cities it is difficult or even impossible, to gather and analyse the detailed and complicated data needed to inform climate action. Data is essential for cities to justify, measure and refine the steps they are taking, and can be provided by both the public and private sector.

We seek to fill the local-level knowledge, information, and technological gaps. This knowledge and innovation will arm local government practitioners to successfully make the case, and advance their efforts, with city leaders, private sector, citizens, and the financial community as they strive to undertake bold climate action, and ultimately drive resources to ensure successful delivery.

This agenda is organized around the decision-making process of local city officials and, therefore, focuses on the decision points along this policymaking continuum, highlighting the most significant sustainable development gaps that research and technology can address. The policymaking process is the basis of the agenda and is framed by four priority questions:

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Vivamus suscipit bibendum dolor. Nunc lacus nisi, sodales et odio id, vestibulum convallis risus. Vivamus convallis, urna nec hendrerit viverra, leo tortor iaculis justo, vitae vehicula quam tortor et libero. Duis maximus gravida turpis. Vivamus arcu velit, placerat at gravida id, consectetur sed ante. Sed tincidunt facilisis lacus, et tincidunt massa pretium eget. Fusce mollis lacus a venenatis rutrum. Aliquam tincidunt euismod auctor.

Vivamus suscipit bibendum dolor. Nunc lacus nisi, sodales et odio id, vestibulum convallis risus. Vivamus convallis, urna nec hendrerit viverra, leo tortor iaculis justo, vitae vehicula quam tortor et libero. Duis maximus gravida turpis. Vivamus arcu velit, placerat at gravida id, consectetur sed ante. Sed tincidunt facilisis lacus, et tincidunt massa pretium eget. Fusce mollis lacus a venenatis rutrum. Aliquam tincidunt euismod auctor.

Vivamus suscipit bibendum dolor. Nunc lacus nisi, sodales et odio id, vestibulum convallis risus. Vivamus convallis, urna nec hendrerit viverra, leo tortor iaculis justo, vitae vehicula quam tortor et libero. Duis maximus gravida turpis. Vivamus arcu velit, placerat at gravida id, consectetur sed ante. Sed tincidunt facilisis lacus, et tincidunt massa pretium eget. Fusce mollis lacus a venenatis rutrum. Aliquam tincidunt euismod auctor.

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