Rescua.Earth - "Engaging the Public"
Sync Neural Genesis AG
Access to clean affordable energy is the single biggest driver of economic stability. Rescua.Earth delivers fair and equitable funding for renewable energy projects to ensure everyone gets fair access to clean energy, water and air. When communities, companies and organisations benefit financially from stable well-governed projects, they decarbonise faster and further. We provide stable finance and governance to achieve long-term economic benefit and ownership of stable renewable energy. We believe that every person in the world is entitled to 10Kwh of clean renewable energy per day. We call this the Energy Daily Entitlement - the EDE. And it is the EDE which will be critical to ourpath to NetZero ...
Regions: European Union & Western Europe
Countries: Switzerland
Cross-cutting issues: System Approach, Justice & Equity, Digitalisation For Smart Cities
Topical areas: Sustainable Production And Consumption, Finance
Related steps
Set Goals and Targets
Develop Action Plan
Monitor and Report

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