The GCoM-Gap Fund partnership team joins local governments Climate Talks in Argentina

The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (GCoM) – City Climate Finance Gap Fund (Gap Fund) partnership regional team for Latin America and the Caribbean joined a climate-related exchange event with cities committed to the Global Covenant of Mayors in Argentina.

This exciting dialogue was organized jointly between the GCoM Latin America and the Municipality of Despeñaderos, Córdoba, Argentina, within the framework of the VI National Assembly of Mayors of the Argentinian Network of Municipalities facing Climate Change (RAMCC).

The main goal of this meeting was bringing together RAMCC municipalities, both signatories and non-signatories of the Covenant, in order to raise awareness of the Covenant’s support to municipalities, share good practices in local climate action, as well as the achievements made in recent years in Argentina.

The Gap Fund Regional City Advisor Agustín Botteron shared a panel with Ariadne Krehovski, representing GCoM Latin America, Victoria Flores, Minister of Environment and Economy, Circular of the Province of Córdoba, Argentina and the Argentinian cities of Despeñaderos, San Justo, Bell Ville, Marcos Juárez and Arequito with their respective mayors: Carolina Basualdo, Nicolás Cuesta, Juan Manuel Moroni, Sara Majorel and Jorge Álvarez.

Over 40 municipalities spanning the Argentinian provinces of Córdoba, Santa Fe, Tierra del Fuego, Buenos Aires and San Luis engaged in an enriching exchange, delving into experiences concerning climate change while also gaining valuable knowledge about theGap Fund.

 “The Gap Fund is designed to mobilize those ideas that are found in what we usually call the valley of death of projects. Ideas that, if they are not developed and complemented with certain studies, will never be of interest to national financing organizations or international.” (Agustín Botteron, Gap Fund Regional City Advisor)

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