Gap Fund

Smart City Solutions for Climate Change Mitigation

What technology solutions are cities around the globe investing in to support climate mitigation in buildings, transport, and solid waste and how can these be deployed in urban areas in low- and middle-income countries? These questions are explored in a recent technical note titled “Smart City Solutions for Climate Change Mitigation” published by the Gap … read more

Increasing support for resilient, low-carbon urban development

The governments of Germany and Luxembourg announced new funding of €50 million for the City Climate Finance Gap Fund (the Gap Fund), a multi-donor fund implemented by the World Bank and the European Investment Bank (EIB) together with partners. These resources will go to develop low-carbon and climate-resilient urban investments, and will nearly double the Gap Fund’s capitalisation — … read more

City Climate Finance Gap Fund completes first year of operation with support to 33 cities

Washington/ Luxembourg, 23 September 2021 – The City Climate Finance Gap Fund (the Gap Fund) has approved technical assistance for 33 cities across the developing world since its operational launch in September 2020, filling a critical gap in technical assistance funding to help cities turn their climate ambitions into finance-ready projects. Marking its one-year operational launch anniversary today, … read more

City Climate Finance Gap Fund approves support for six cities

Free technical assistance for the preparation of early-stage climate action projects Energy efficiency, renewable energy, sustainable mobility, waste management and water projects The Gap Fund is supporting cities in developing and emerging economies The City Climate Finance Gap Fund (Gap Fund) announced today the second round of cities that will receive free technical assistance to … read more
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