What is the global governance structure of the initiative?

What is the global governance structure of the initiative?

The GCoM Board of Mayors

The Board provides the strategic direction for the initiative. Mayors serve on the Board, acting as representatives of core partner networks and providing regionally specific perspectives – thus ensuring that the GCoM is truly led by mayors. The GCoM Board provides global and regional leadership and works with other GCoM Mayors in their regions to recruit new signatories, provide support to other GCoM Mayors, and secure input on the strategic direction and priorities of the GCoM.  

The Strategic Advisory Committee to the Board 

The Strategic Advisory Committee (SAC) is comprised of global, regional, and national city networks, Regional/National Covenants, Ex-Officio Board Members, and representatives from the European Commission and the European Committee of the Regions. It helps set the strategic direction for the initiative for ultimate approval by the Board. 


The Funders Group

The Funders Group is comprised of the main funders of the GCoM alliance to set funding priorities and ensure coordination across funding sources. 


The Global Secretariat and Technical Working Groups

Based in Brussels, it serves as an organizing platform for the GCoM alliance work, and it provides support to the National/Regional Covenants established across the globe. 


GCoM Secretariat 

Boulevard Charlemagne 1

1000 Bruxelles (Belgium)



Currently the GCOM Secretariat supports coordination of city network partners through five “Technical Working Groups” including:  

1) Global and Regional Coherence 

2) Data Management, Monitoring, and Reporting 

3) Finance 

4) Communications 

5) Research and Innovation

The Technical Working Groups provide recommendations and guidance for the implementation of the GCoM alliance main initiatives and areas of support.

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