

City Research and Innovation Agenda Priorities

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Cross-cutting issues

Interdisciplinary in nature, cross-cutting issues are inherently connected – both to each other and to topical areas of research and innovation. The Innovate4Cities 2021 Conference saw three new entries: digitalization and smart cities, health and wellbeing, and justice and equity.

System approach

Continued interconnectedness – locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally – requires deeper understanding of how different socioeconomic and poltiical systems feed into and out of one another. Cities are at the intersection of these systems.

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Priority 1

Develop flexible solution that can be expanded as innovation or financing allows

Priority 2

Investigate emerging social innovations in cities that could be exported globally to scale solutions

Priority 3

Quantify potential and chart implementation pathways for blue/green infrastructure and nature-based solutions to reduce emissions, build adaptive capacity and resilience, provide co-benefits, and address issues of biodiversity

Priority 4

Evaluate balance between connected vs. distributed renewable systems based on access and reliability

Priority 5

Explore connections between water, energy, and materials to develop sustainable solutions in urban areas

Priority 6

Explore potential for circular economy approach throughout city systems, and how these may differ in developed and developing cities

Priority 7

Further understanding of potential for urban agriculture for climate change mitigation and local food security

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Governance & Institutions

Governance models and institutions that incorporate multiple levels, actors, and can respond to multiple issues effectively are essential for urban climate change responses.

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Priority 1

Equitable development and dissemination of knowledge and data through partnerships Determine how to incorporate informal settlements in urban planning strategies

Priority 2

Explore incentives for municipal employees to innovate and take risks

Priority 3

Exploration of effective governance frameworks to facilitate city-led research and innovation, including creating space for learning-by-doing and learning-from-failure

Priority 4

Mainstream climate change action in city decision making, planning, and budgets

Priority 5

Governance landscapes to support greater generation of municipal revenue and which support marginalized groups

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Decisions made in and by cities can have impacts on – and be impacted by – other levels of government. Additionally, when considering scale, different time scales for action have a large impact on whether local action are effective, and short, medium and long term implications must be considered and balanced in decision making on climate in cities.

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Priority 1

Evaluate balance between connected vs. distributed renewable energy systems based on access and reliability

Priority 2

Understand impacts of scope three emissions in urban mitigation planning and how this can be best incorporated into urban climate plans

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Observation, Data & Modelling

Access to robust observations, data and modelling at appropriate spatial and temporal scale is a key resource for cities in developing and implementing effective climate change action – across mitigation, adaptation, and energy access and poverty.

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Priority 1

Communication of uncertainty and risk of climate hazards for cities

Priority 2

Generate city scale data for development of specific observation, models, and scenarios

Priority 3

Reduce the gap in climate relevant data on vulnerable communities

Priority 4

Quantify emissions and energy savings potential for deep energy retrofits of all buildings within the municipality and incorporation of digital tools to support emission reduction and boost systems’ efficiency

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Health & Wellbeing

Solutions tackling both mitigation and adaptation can also have significant health co-benefits, particularly for marginalized communities who have borne a disproportionate share of negative health impacts as a result of business-as-usual practices.

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Priority 1

Assess solutions to address the urgency of water-scarcity, pollution, and allocation in cities and their related ecosystems

Priority 2

Explore how urban plans can reduce vehicle miles travelled and support active/shared transit

Priority 3

Further understanding is needed on potential for urban agriculture in terms of climate change mitigation and local food security

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Justice & Equity

Justice and equity are important considerations in all decisions made to address climate change in cities. This inclues questions on who will face benefits and costs, and how climate solutions can ensure that historically marginalized populations see both climate and broader socioeconomic benefits.

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Priority 1

Understand the mitigation and adaptation potential of city actions, including implications for social equity and justice

Priority 2

Assess solutions to address the urgency of water-scarcity, pollution and allocation in cities and their related ecosystems

Priority 3

Support community-based, entrepreneurial innovation in climate smart food systems

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Digitalisation for Smart Cities

Innovation in digital technologies offers myriad opportunities for implementing climate action in cities through improved operational efficiency, real-time data and analytics to aid decision-making, and the creation of synergies between systems.

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Piority 1

Generation of city scale data for development of specific observation, models, scenarios

Piority 2

Decreasing the gap in climate relevant data on vulnerable communities

Piority 3

Evaluate combinations of high-tech and low-tech innovation

Piority 4

Quantify emissions and energy savings potential for deep energy retrofits of all buildings within the municipality and incorporation of digital tools to reduce emissions and increase efficiency in systems

Piority 5

Explore how digital infrastructure can be built into transit systems to connect public and private transit technology

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Topical areas

Each with a dedicated, growing body of literature, topical areas offer an opportunity to dive deeper into research questions and innovation opportunities as well as understand their applications more broadly across regional contexts.


Informality – both in terms of informal economy and settlements – is an important characteristic of many communities and cities in low- and middle-income countries. Informal settlements are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change due to their often dangerous locations that may be exposed to climate related hazards, substandard building materials, poor infrastructure, rapid expansion and precarious livelihoods. People working in the informal economy are also vulnerable to climate-related shocks.

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Priority 1

Reduce the gap in climate relevant data on vulnerable communities

Priority 2

Determine how to incorporate informal settlements and their residents in urban planning strategies

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Urban Planning & Design

Urban planning and design are influential in setting the stage for effective climate change action in our current and future cities – and can help both mitigate and adapt to climate change.

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Priority 1

Assess planning policies and prioritise actions to help mitigate urban heat island effect

Priority 2

Determine how to incorporate informal settlements and their residents in urban planning strategies

Priority 3

Mainstream climate change action planning into city decision making, integrating mitigation and, adaptation into comprehensive planning and budgeting processes

Priority 4

Understand impact of scope 3 emissions in urban mitigation planning and how this can be best incorporated into urban climate plans

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Built & green/blue Infrastructure

The built and blue and green infrastructure research area covers both the critical built infrastructure for transport, energy, and communications that deliver services across cities as well as the essential natural environment that provides ecosystem services that support people, the economy and biodiversity.

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Priority 1

Quantify potential and chart implementation pathways for blue/green infrastructure and nature-based solutions to reduce emissions, build adaptive capacity and resilience, provide co-benefits, and address issues of biodiversity

Priority 2

Identify a strategic approach to retrofitting city building stock based on building typology to reduce emissions

Priority 3

Develop policy to set new building standards and accelerate uptake of efficiency benchmarks

Priority 4

Quantify emissions and energy savings potential for deep energy retrofits of all buildings within the municipality and incorporation of digital tools to support emission reduction and boost systems’ efficiency

Priority 5

Further understanding is needed on potential for urban agriculture in terms of climate change mitigation and local food security

Priority 6

Increase focus on understanding the finance adaptation gap for cities, including short- and long-term financial needs for nature-based solutions

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Sustainable production and consumption

If unmitigated, expected increases in resource consumption can lead to overexploitation of ecosystems, environmental degradation and further greenhouse gas emissions. Consumption-based solutions – including urban circularity and the circular economy – were continuously raised as important issues at Innovate4Cities 2021, within new models of thinking that embrace a systems approach and promote sustainable consumption and production.

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Priority 1

Evaluate benefits of diversion and recycling considering supply and demand

Priority 2

Better understand how sustainable consumption habits can be fostered

Priority 3

Explore potential for circular economy approach throughout city systems, and how these may differ in developed and developing cities

Priority 4

Communicate community benefits of controlled landfilling to build understanding and buy-in of waste collection systems

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City authorities face a range of internal and external funding and financing barriers to achieving their climate ambitions – including siloed climate budgets, limited capacity to generate revenue, inadequate coordination of investment from higher levels of government, and a mismatch between standard financial metrics and local investment needs that may be small-scale or offer low financial returns compared with social and environmental benefits.

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Priority 1

Collaboration and capacity building to develop bankable projects and increase creditworthiness to de-risk investment

Priority 2

Calculation and communication of economic and health effects of action vs. inaction

Priority 3

Increase focus on understanding the finance adaptation gap for cities, including short- and long-term financial needs for Nature-based Solutions

Priority 4

Increase understanding of potential for digital financing- including crowd sourcing, digital green bonds and others- to fund city-scale projects

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Uncertainty within climate projections, scenarios and models must be well understood to form substantive climate plans and actions. It is also imporatnt to understand uncertainties in the estimation and measurement of climate risks and impacts – and have the tools necessary to facilitate action in the face of uncertainty.

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Priority 1

Communication of uncertainty and risk of climate hazards for cities

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History & Cultural Heritage

Embedded in cities’ institutions, norms and residents’ memories is historical, cultural, and spiritual information on how cities have responded to past stresses and crises. While these stories, histories, and cultural backgrounds form integral parts of the fabric of cities, they have not yet been extensively brought into the discussion around urban climate action.

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Priority 1

Evaluate combinations of high-tech and low-tech innovation

Priority 2

Explore adaptation and resilience in cities through culture and history to better understand their impact on climate action today

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Tackling urban research and innovation requires collaboration and coordination at speed and scale. The GCoM alliance is committed to enabling and accelerating the transition to a low-emission, resilient, and safer future.

Partnerships for long-term collaboration

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Empowering cities to take action

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Knowledge co-production

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