Draft for consultation of Integrity Matters: Greenhouse gas (GHG) Target Setting Guidance for Cities, States, and Regions

Capitalizing on the launch of Integrity Matters for CIties, States, and Regions (IM4CSTARs) at COP28 in Dubai in 2023, the Expert Group convened by GCoM and World Resources Institute (WRI) has published a working draft of Integrity Matters: GHG Target Setting Guidance for Cities, States, and Regions – aiming to present a high-integrity, fair-share approach for setting, updating, or stress-testing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets that align with the ambition and principles of the Paris Agreement. 

IM4CSTARs reinforced the Integrity Matters recommendations on target setting by recognizing that any commitments claiming to be ‘net zero’ or ‘net zero aligned’, cities, states, and regions must have targets that are “consistent with limiting warming to 1.5oC with no or limited overshoot according to a fair-share approach.” This guidance sets out what this means for subnational governments, connecting climate science and equity with practice and policy.

This document is available for consultation until 7 April 2025 via this online survey. Cities, states, regions, net zero initiatives and alliances, NGOs, and other practitioners in subnational climate action are welcome to share their feedback via the survey. Additional comments may be sent to info@globalcovenantofmayors.org.

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