GCoM-Gap Fund Partnership at the ICLEI World Congress 2024: Supporting Cities in Accessing Climate Finance
The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (GCoM) and the City Climate Finance Gap Fund (Gap Fund) partnership team will be actively participating in the ICLEI World Congress 2024 (ICLEI WC) in São Paulo from June 18-21. This year, the ICLEI WC will be centred on the challenges of transforming commitments into action, and will bring together local and regional government representatives, urban practitioners, researchers, and stakeholders to exchange knowledge and best practices in sustainable urban development.
As cities face increasing challenges due to global risks and changes, the GCoM-Gap Fund partnership aims to support cities in developing countries in their transition towards low-carbon and climate-resilient pathways. Throughout the congress, Guillermo Piñones and Agustin Botteron, leading the partnership work in Latin America, will be involved in various sessions and events designed to help cities access climate finance and transform their climate challenges into projects and concrete actions.
Key activities:
- June 17, 14:30-18:00: “Scaling up Local Climate Finance: Challenges and Opportunities for Intermediary Cities in Latin America” (Location: Green Sampa Hub). This session aims to generate a dialogue between agents and cities on the challenges and opportunities of climate finance mechanisms and instruments for intermediary cities in Latin America. Co-organized by the Ministry of the Cities Brazil, the Brazilian Association of Development (ABDE), GIZ, and GCoM-Gap Fund. More information and registration here.
- June 18, 09:00-10:30: “Urban Trasitions Mission Center Marketplace” (Location: Energy and Environment Institute, University of São Paulo). Project pitching opportunities at the Urban Trasitions Mission Center (UTMC) – Transformative Actions Program (TAP) marketplace. Connect with international financiers and project preparation facility providers, and present your project ideas to a panel of financial experts. Organized by UTMC and TAP. More information & registration here.
- June 18, 13:00-18:00: “Solutions and Finance Marketplace, in partnership with the Global Research and Innovation Symposium at ICLEI World Congress” (Location: Energy and Environment Institute, University of São Paulo). This Marketplace is an interactive space to bridge the concept-action and financial gap in climate research and innovation. It will serve as a shared space for scientists, innovators, government officials, local and national policymakers, funders, and practitioners, stimulating dialogue and financial support for cutting-edge climate solutions. Organized by ICLEI, UN Climate Change Global Innovation Hub, the University of São Paulo and GCoM. Register here.
- June 20, 12:00-13:15: “A seat at the table: getting the green (finance) for green projects” (Location: Pacubra (Parque Ibirapuera). Roundtable discussion on attracting green finance – “A seat at the table: getting the green (finance) for green projects”. Discuss the development of bankable green projects and available funding sources with experts. Organized by ICLEI SAMS. Open to all registrats of the ICLEI World Congress.
- June 20, 15:00-18:00, “Business Roundtable between cities, financial institutions, and businesses” (Location: AYA Hub). Engage with public sector representatives and financial institutions, and present your innovative municipal projects to potential investors. Co-organized by GCoM Americas, CDP Latam and GCoM Gap Fund. This session will count on the participation of 17 cities and more than 10 financial institutions and project facilities. This event is by invitation only.
The GCoM-Gap Fund partnership team will be available throughout the congress to provide guidance and support to cities interested in applying for the Gap Fund. By working closely with the partnership, cities can enhance their ability to develop finance-ready initiatives that drive effective climate action.
To learn more about how the GCoM-Gap Fund partnership can support your city’s efforts in accessing climate finance, please visit https://www.globalcovenantofmayors.org/gap-fund/ or contact info@gcomprojectsupport.org.