Green Recovery Story from Monteverde, Costa Rica

The District of Monteverde in Costa Rica has taken measures into its own hands by inspiring and empowering residents to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from waste.

Just this August, Monteverde transformed 750 kg of waste collected from local homes and restaurants into organic compost.

The project, directed by the Environmental Management Program of the Monteverde District ASADA, and driven by the Transform GIZ Fund and the CRUSA Foundation, in collaboration with CORCLIMA and COMIRES, has also:

✅ Sold 1.9 tons of organic fertilizer made from organic waste from homes and companies
✅ Collected 11,220 liters of vegetable oil from local restaurants
✅ Installed a dry composting toilet at the Los Amigos School

Learn more: @corclima

Images: @corclima &

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