City Business Climate Alliance (CBCA)
C40 Cities
The CBCA programme is delivered by C40, CDP, and WBCSD and provides the most ambitious city and business leaders with a platform to convene, set joint commitments, co-create, and implement projects that help cities deliver on their Climate Action Plans in line with the Paris Agreement. Through a global network, we seek to share best practice on city-business engagement, enable peer exchange in a neutral non-commercial setting, and provide opportunities to showcase examples. We will be increasing global network activity this year, and looking to implement a toolkit on establishing local city-business partnerships which we wish to collaborate with others on.
Regions: European Union & Western Europe
Countries: United Kingdom
Cities: London
Cross-cutting issues: System Approach, Governence & Insitutions
Topical areas: Built & Green/Blue Infrastructure, Sustainable Production And Consumption
Related steps
Set Goals and Targets
Develop Action Plan
Monitor and Report

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