National Urban Development Policy (Política Nacional de Desarrollo Urbano) (2014)
Chile approved its first-ever explicit national urban policy, the National Urban Development Policy (Política Nacional de Desarrollo Urbano) in 2013. The policy was co-ordinated by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo) (MINVU) and drafted by an advisory committee mandated by the President of Chile, which composed of 28 people representing civil society, labour unions, academia, members of parliament, current and former ministers, and professional experts. It was supported by academic working groups, regional authorities, and representatives from eleven ministries. The policy's overarching goals are to improve quality of life by addressing urban development, to decentralise decision making, to foster institutional co-ordination, to provide a reference for policy reform, and to create certainty for social development and public and private investment (MINVU and UNDP, 2014).
Outputs: Policy Integration
Outcomes: Regulatory Powers
Target actors: National Goverment, Local Goverment
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