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Race To Zero Dialogues: A Summary of Cities and Regions Day

On November 18, 2020, the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (GCoM), together with its partners, organized Cities and Regions Day as part of the Race to Zero Dialogues. The Cities and Regions Day brought together 18 different partners who convened conversations with leading voices in the climate and urban development space, structured … read more

Green Recovery Story from Monteverde, Costa Rica

The District of Monteverde in Costa Rica has taken measures into its own hands by inspiring and empowering residents to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from waste. Just this August, Monteverde transformed 750 kg of waste collected from local homes and restaurants into organic compost. The project, directed by the Environmental Management Program of the Monteverde … read more

Green Recovery Story from Santiago, Chile

How can cities make a Green Recovery happen?  Have residents join in on the action! That’s what Santiago, Chile is doing through the “Recycle at Your Fair” initiative. Each day, except for Tuesday, the @medioambientestgo team travels with a recycling cart to a different fair in Santiago, Chile, where local residents can arrive with their … read more

Race to Zero Dialogues Cities & Regions Day – Stronger Together: The Role of Multi-Level Collaboration in Driving Climate Action

                 Stronger Together: The Role of Multi-Level Collaboration in Driving Climate Action This session will highlight how multi-stakeholder alliances are driving collaboration and commitment to both an immediate green recovery and long-term climate action. Leaders from Europe, Asia, North America, Africa, and Latin America will also discuss how subnational … read more

Cities are the Hub of the Global Green Recovery

By Jorge MUÑOZ WELLS This blog is part of a special series on cities and climate change. The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policies or position of the World Bank Group. The COVID-19 pandemic has imposed sobering impacts on the world’s cities.  Today we live … read more

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