Sustainability Indicators Platform
City of Porto Alegre, Brazil
Through the sustainability indicators platform, it will be possible to develop a diagnosis of vulnerabilities and projection of adaptability to the adverse effects that the municipal territory will suffer in the accommodation of extreme weather events. In addition, it will provide technical and scientific support for better management of civil protection and defense, environmental and municipal urban development policies. We have sought solutions at all levels to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change, but we do not have a platform for managing and measuring greenhouse gas emissions from our projects. Examples of projects that need this platform: biodigesters in public schools; sustainable rooftops (green roof); urban terrariums. Sustainable Certification, where buildings receive a stamp with a tax discount if they meet a series of sustainability assumptions. Climate Action Plan: we will have mitigation and adaptation actions that require control and measurement.
Regions: Latin America & the Caribbean
Countries: Brazil
Cities: Porto Alegre
Cross-cutting issues: Governence & Insitutions, Observation, Data & Modelling, Digitalisation For Smart Cities
Topical areas: Urban Planning & Design, Built & Green/Blue Infrastructure, Uncertainty
Partners: Local government, Business / private sector, Academic institution, Civil society
Related steps
Set Goals and Targets
Develop Action Plan
Monitor and Report

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