Waste Reduction Model (WARM)
by Environmental Protection Agency, United States
WARM is a tool that provides high-level comparative estimates of the potential GHG emissions, energy savings, and economic impacts of materials managed in baseline and alternative materials management practices, including source reduction, recycling, composting, anaerobic digestion, combustion, and landfilling. The model estimates emissions, energy units and economic factors across a wide range of material types commonly found in municipal solid waste and construction and demolition debris.
Need Deliverables: Emissions inventory, Cost-benefit Analysis, Impact analysis, Pre-feasibility studies, Project and Policy Proposals, Project-level Cost-benefit Analysis, Emission Inventory (Recalculated)
Output types: Tabular
Fee model: Free
Language(s): EN
Target geography: any city
Related steps
Assess Emissions and Risks
Set Goals and Targets
Develop Action Plan
Monitor and Report

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