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With your contributions, our shared resource library grows every day.
Thank you for sharing your resources with the GCoM alliance! Should there be any questions, the GCoM Global Secretariat will reach out accordingly.
If you don’t receive any updates within a month of your submission, please reach out to us at
Share your resources
Contribute to our growing library of opportunities, tools, case studies, and other resources across the GCoM alliance.
Instruments, applications, and algorithms that better inform decision-making for cities and local governments – especially around planning, service provision, and regulatory assessments.
Innovate4Cities Marketplace
Resources and Publications
Reports, guidance, and other materials produced by and with GCoM alliance partners to help accelerate city climate action.
Examples of credible, collaborative, and multi-level climate action across GCoM Regional and National Covenants – highlighting the value of successful vertical integration at local, regional, and national levels.